@ 12:00 NOON
A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama,
looking down into the swift water twenty feet below.
The man's hands were behind his back,
the wrists bound with a cord.
A rope closely encircled his neck.
It was attached to a stout cross-timber above his head
and the slack fell to the level of his knees.
("An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,"
by Ambrose Bierce)
Post a Comment: Ambrose "Bitter" Bierce (1842-1914?): http://english102wcc02.blogspot.com/2010/02/ambrose-bitter-bierce.html
Post a Comment: The American Civil War (1861-1865):
Print out and read An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (and bring printout with you to class on March 4th):
You may also follow along with an online audio version:
Use the following writing prompts: What was your initial response to the first few paragraphs of the text? What was your first impression of Peyton Farquhar? Do you think he deserved his fate? What aspect of the work affected you most? Why?
Or free-write your own response.
Be sure to provide specific textual details and quotations from the story to justify and/or explain your response to An Occurrence of Owl Creek Bridge. Remember, a first response is not a summary -- use 3-5 quotations from the story and tell me how the story affected you
First Response Guidelines:
*minimum 350 words; maximum 500 words (NOT including student/class information and title)
Upper left-hand corner, single spaced:
March 4, 2010
Professor Melinda Roberts
Comp & Lit II: Spring 2010
Centered Title (all caps and bolded):
Submission of Response Paper:
- Submit via e-mail to: english102wcc@gmail.com
- Cut and paste your response paper into the e-mail (response papers sent as an attachment to the e-mail will not be accepted).
- Pur your first name, last name, and RESPONSE PAPER: AN OCCURRENCE AT OWL CREEK BRIDGE as the subject of the e-mail.
- Response papers must be received on or before (no later than) Thursday, March 4, 2010, at 12:00 noon. You will receive a reply e-mail confirming receipt of your response paper. It is strongly suggested that you submit your response paper well in advance of the deadline to avoid any technical errors which may occur as a result of your computer or the internet.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Papers that do not meet the paper guidelines will not be accepted and will be given a score of zero (0).
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Papers are due by 12:00 noon on Thursday, March 4, 2010. Late papers will not be accepted and will be given a score of zero (0).
If you have any questions, send me an e-mail at english102wcc@gmail.com, and allow 24 hours for a response (although I will most likely get back to you much sooner than that).
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