(Effects of a shell on the body of a Confederate soldier)
(click on picture to enlarge it to see the gruesome details)
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Google "Interesting facts about the American Civil War." Find one interesting fact (that has not already been posted on this blog) and post it. Be sure to put the information into your own words (i.e., don't cut and paste from another website) to avoid plagiarism. If you don't see your post after 24 hours please resubmit it because (1) you submitted information that is already posted and/or (2) you did not put your first name and last initial on the post.
Approximately 620,000 American soldiers (Union and Confederate combined) were killed in the American Civil War, making it the bloodiest conflict in United States history. Compare this number to American soldiers killed in The American Revolutionary War (25,000), World War I (117,000), World War II (416,800), The Korean War (33,000), and the Vietnam War (58,000).
ReplyDeleteThe most common weapon that was used during the American Civil War was the single-shot muzzle-loading rifle, which could easily reach at a target that was within thousand yards.
ReplyDeleteA chance that a wounded soldier would survive with a wound in the Civil War days was 7 to 1, to compare to the Korean War it was 50 to 1. just shows that's why many people died.
ReplyDeleteA fully armed soldier carried about seven pounds of ammunition.
ReplyDelete-Zoe D.
That's an interesting fact, Zoe! This will come up again when we read "The Things They Carried," about soldiers in the Vietnam War -- with this post, we'll be able to compare the two . . . :)
ReplyDeleteIn Gettysburg there was an estimated 51,000 casualties...23,000 from the North side, 28,000 from the South side.
ReplyDeleteMichelle A.
The American Civil War brought many families closer as they grieved and mourned many deaths. It tore many more apart, for far too many families were destroyed as brothers fought one another on enemy lines, because the North and the South divided them ideologically. Also known as the "Brothers' War" [source:PBS]
ReplyDeleteAlephia A.
The uniforms of the American Civil War soliders help seperate the Northen soliders from the confederate Southern soliders. Blue was the color of the North and gray for the confederate uniforms. - Victor W.
ReplyDeleteMore than half of all deaths during the American Civil War were the result of disease. The primary culprits included typhoid fever, dysentery, tuberculosis and pneumonia. Also they found that about 300 women disguised themselves as men during the civil war.
ReplyDeleteAshley Cermele
The first state to separate was South Carolina, then Mississippi, Florida and Alabamas...
ReplyDeleteMelissa Hernandez
During the civil war, Abe Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation (sept 1862) that was basically a law to make slavery illegal, but it took the country 3 years to completely rid of slavery (july 1865).
ReplyDeleteAfter taking the wounded into consideration, the total casualty number is approximately 1,030,000.
ReplyDelete- Prithvi A.
African Americans contained less than 1% of the Northern population. By the time the war ended, they made up 10% of the Union Army, with over 180,000 people eligible and 85% of which enlisted.
ReplyDeleteSam G.
according to those facts more than 10 000 soldiers that representing the union were under 18 years old...
ReplyDeleteangie A.
general "stonewall" jackson was shot by his own men because they accidentally thought he was the enemy
ReplyDeleteangela c
In 1861, general Thomas jackson had his name change to "stonewall" because of his courage said some historians.
ReplyDeleteMarie E.
Thanks, everybody for your comments!