Westchester Community College: Valhalla Campus
Professor Melinda Roberts
Thursdays: 6:00-8:40 PM

Saturday, April 24, 2010

"The Rocking Horse Winner," by D.H. Lawrence

Due Thursday, April 29, 2010
@ 3:00 PM EDT

Post a Comment: Lady Luck:

Read The Rocking-Horse Winner:

You may also listen online and read along (about 35 minutes):

Here’s a link to an online study guide:

You do not have to write a First Response paper. However, you must complete the at-home quiz below and submit your responses via e-mail by the due date/time listed at the top of this post.  Submit your quiz responses to english102wcc@gmail.com with the following information in the subject line:

The Rocking-Horse Winner Quiz
  1. There was a woman who was beautiful.  How did she feel about her children?
  2. How many children lived in the house?
  3. What was there always a shortage of in the house?
  4. What was the unspoken phrase that haunted the house?
  5. What is the reason the mother gives Paul for their being “the poor members of the family”?
  6. What is luck, according to Paul’s mother?
  7. Does Paul think he himself is lucky or unlucky?
  8. What did Paul do to discover the clue to luck?
  9. What arrangement does Paul make with Bassett?
  10. What is the name of the first rocking-horse winner?
  11. Who are the “three” in the The Rocking Horse Winner?
  12. How much money did Paul make on Daffodil?
  13. What did Paul give his mother for her birthday in November?
  14. How did Paul’s mother respond to her birthday gift?
  15. What happened to the voices in the house once Paul started winning?
  16. What is the significance of Paul’s green pajamas and his mother’s dress of pale green and crystal?
  17. What is the name of the horse that should win the Derby?  What is the significance of the name?
  18. How much money did Paul win in total for his mother?
  19. List three phrases used to describe Paul’s eyes.
  20. List three phrases used to describe Paul’s riding of the rocking horse.
You might also enjoy College of DuPage "CODcast" discussion of The Rocking-Horse Winner:

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