Due Wednesday February 3, 2010
Response must be posted by 10:00 PM EST
What is your favorite / scariest experience from a trek into the woods?
(Be sure to include your first name and first initial of your last name to the post.)
The "Blair Witch movie" and "Deliverance" pretty much sums up my answer for being scared in the woods. So basically being raped and killed by hill-billies and witches would bother me a little. Although, I think I could handle "Jason" because he tends to stay near lakes, plus he never runs.
ReplyDeleteGeorge A.
One time my mother decided she wanted to walk this trail in CT that lead up to a tower at the top of the hill. We started off late but there was still sunlight. It was an extremely long trail and very hilly. It started to get dark whcih had me freaking about because I'm kinda afraid of the dark. My mother being, well, EVIL left me behind. So I'm standing in the middle of the woods and a trail with about one bar of life on my cell phone freaking out and crying like a newborn. Then I see a light bouncing around which scared me even more. Then I turn around and the light is GONE. FInally, my mother comes back and I know its her but she didnt know it was me. So when she asked if it was me and I didnt respond because she had pissed me off. When she finally realized it was me we started to leave. It was pitch black, we could barely see from the light of the moon, and we had a long walk back to the car. Then less than half way back to the car we start hearing weird nosies and we see bats flying around. It was TERRIFYING!!!!! Ok Thanks. Bye.
ReplyDeleteNadiya....I don't like being in the woods. In it self is a scary thing and you never see the end of it. I got lost one time when i was little and my family had a picnic in the woods. I ran away because i was mad and could not find my way out. I remember finally finding some people that helped me find a way out..I hate the woods!!!!...My parents were not happy either, but happy to see me!..
ReplyDeletelast spring break i went to Costa Rica for my vacation, and a friend and i went to the Arenal Volcano... We went in the night to see the lava in a car.. Nobody was there just her and me, we were driving into to woods so we can be closer to the volcano when the car stopped and it didn't turn on again... My friend and I were sooo scared, it was so dark and no houses around.. My friend is not from Costa Rica, so i was telling her all the scary stories that i know... but after some time i was scared too, because i didn't have a celphone to call somebody to help us.. Until a car pass by and helped us... After that we took a tour to go to see the lava and not just by ourselves....
Hi is Angie. I actually don't have any sacry esperience about the woods, but actuallty i had this dream three time in my life at different ages and is always the same.In my dream i am in the woods but from them i can see a olng path, and at the end of the path there is a casttle. For some reason in my dream i just can look at the casttle and tha day seems grey and sad, i just can stand up looking. I had this dream whena i was seven, eleven and then when i was twenty years old is kind of creepy...
ReplyDeleteLike George, the movie "Deliverance" had a huge impact on me. I don't remember if the movie had an "R" rating or an "X" rating when it was released in 1972, I only remember that we had to sneak into the theater to see it because we weren't yet 18. Also, the idea of a man raping another man went right over my head, but I can still see the faces of those creepy hillbillies, and one of the guys tied up and shot with an arrow -- and remember just the sheer terror of Burt Reynolds and his buddies being stalked through the woods. Even though I had spent my childhood hiking and camping in the California mountains, I never felt safe again after seeing "Deliverance."
ReplyDeleteThere aren't any woods in Southern California -- you have to drive to the mountains where the forests are filled with evergreen pine trees. About two years after moving to New York, I taught an evening class at the Ossining campus. The class ended at 9:30, so it was close to 10:00 before I was toodling down Route 9 to get back to Yonkers. I remember it was a really hot night, so I had my windows down and the sunroof open. As I came up to the area near Rockefeller Park, I began to hear this chirping sound -- frogs? crickets? I didn't know. The closer I got to the wooded area, the more the chirping increased, until it was a roar around me. The night was pitch dark, and there were no other cars on the road. I remembered how close I was to the north end of the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. I suddenly had goose bumps, and I was certain the headless Hessian horseman was going to come galloping out of the woods, across Route 9, and fling a burning pumpkin into my car. The hair was standing up on my neck, and I felt "evil" all around me. I closed the sunroof, rolled up the windows, and drove like a bat out of h*** . After I was safely on the Saw Mill Parkway, I had a good laugh at myself, but, even now, writing about it, I feel totally creeped out!
Well, there was this one time when I used to live in my home country, I was coming back from my friend's house and it was getting dark outside, so instead of taking the long way back home I decided to take a short cut and walk through the woods to get home faster. Once i was about half way through the woods I got lost and I didn't know how to get out from the woods because it was dark. Suddently I hear something or someone that was getting closer to me and it was very hard to see what it was, at that moment my heart started to pump really fast and I was very scared, fortunatelly it turned out it was my grandmother going to my friend's house to pick me up. I was very happy to see her and I learned that is better to take your time and be patient in whatever is that your doing, then to try to get it done faster and not succesfully acomplish it.
ReplyDeletelast year my boyfriend and i went hiking up bear mountain. the whole way up the trail i was freaking out because of all the huge bugs and stuff. while i was freaking out my boyfriend was ignoring me. at the very end of the trail i looked and i saw a GIANT black snake. i saw it and told him dont move or your gonna get bit, he goes by what,i said the giant snake over there and he saw it and ran back down the trail with me before it left haha
ReplyDeleteoops.. the one about the bear mountain trail was mine forgot to put my name on it .. Angela C
ReplyDeletea scary experience that ive had from a trek in the woods was a couple of years ago during a day trip to upstate new york. Me and my friends got lost on our way to a local store.While we were walking we saw a group of bambis, i know it sounds cute but im afraid of deer! we also came accross a few racoons and possoms! ....Solange Murphy
ReplyDeleteOne time a bum was in the woods and he was chasing my friends with a broken beer bottle or throw rocks at them everytime he saw them in the woods. These woods were by my friends house and I did not believe the story so at night I went in the woods and nothing was there. All of a sudden the bum pops out froms some shrubbery and started chasing us with a broom. Not really too scary but by far the weirdest encounter in woods. -Bobby Letizia
ReplyDeleteOneday my friends and I, Were playing Manhunt in the woods, when one of them spotted something in the bushes looking up at him. So he called me over to take a look and a big dog popped out and started chasing us. My fear was that the dog was going to catch me and bite me but thank God for trees. I was able to climb a tree and get away from the dog. -VICTOR WILSON
ReplyDeleteThis one time, me and my friend went into the woods to smoke at like 3 am. As we sat there smoking, we noticed that the trunk of a tree which was like ten feet ahead of us, displayed an odd shape in the darkness. It looked exactly like an outline of a statue of mother Mary holding baby Jesus. It was creepy. My friend suddenly got up, picked up a big stick and started hitting it voilently. The creepiest part of this story is that my friend never stopped beating it no matter how much I freaked out and yelled at him to stop. He never spoke of it again and always pretends like it never happened.
ReplyDeletePrithvi A.
ReplyDeleteI am totally freaked out by your story!! Totally! And speechless! Wow!!
Personally never having an encounter of being in the woods, I don't believe I would be able to handle the pressure. Anything is possible when being in the dark just seeing tree trunks and hearing the wind go back and forth not knowing if its really the wind that your listening to or someones feet roaming around in the leaves on the ground. If I was to ever have a need to go into the woods (for any odd reason), I would make sure I'm fully armed just in case something was to pop out. I definitely wouldn't trust myself whether I was alone or with a someone beside me.
ReplyDelete-Valentina S.
I guess I would have to say my most memorable experience in the woods occurred about a year ago in Pennsylvania. It was finals week so of course the entire campus community was frantic. A couple friends and I decided it would be relaxing to go into the woods with our drawing assignments and use natural surroundings to spur our thoughts. After setting up our stuff and working for a few hours we agreed it was time to grub on something. Laying back munching on some chips my good friend Clayton quite randomly gestured for me to look up..my other friends Tom and Fedi simultaneously sprang from the log they were sitting on. I noticed a chipmunk scattered by in front of me. The frenetic looks on their faces said it all...but before I was even able to look or stand up..a massive hawk swoops down no more than five feet from me.
ReplyDeletePoor chipmunk.
Nelson S.
I have had no scary experience in the woods.I hate the wilderness.I think trees and the earthly figures are gorgeous but id never go in the woods especially by myself, id be afraid ill never make it back alive.
ReplyDeletei hate woods. i would never be caught dead in the woods. i love the scenary but the bugs,wild animals,just arent my thing. I would be afraid id never make it back alive.
ReplyDelete~Tashania W
None of my experiences walking in the woods were remotely terrifying until that one crazy Halloween night. My friends had the bright idea of going camping after seeing the scary movie "Halloween". I can't remember the details of the movie, but like any scary movie on halloween it freaked me out! The entire ride to the camp grounds I was extremely shaky and nervous about spending the night outside, in the woods and especially in up state N.Y. Once we arrived, we found that we had to drive across an erie moatlike cannal and then in a huge circle leaving us without a quick escape route. My paranoia was certainly kicking in as the creepy noises inched closer to us from a trailer park near by. We played some cards for awhile and shared a few laughes, but then coming back from a walk with my girlfriend we heard a strange and unusual moaning from underneath a tarp. As we walked further away the monsterous sounds grew louder and louder. I sat there in the tent scared, shivering cold my luck took a turn...It started to rain!!! Then we all decided it was time to leave and finally went home all in one piece.
I dont think i would ever put myself in a situation where id be put into the woods. but watching shows like Being Human which is fantastic by the way just makes you wonder about being attacked by a beast. not saying vampires and werewolves exist though butlike victor i also used to play manhunt in the woods and around other houses. We were young and foolish but i actually remember seeing red eyes stalking us. so we would run as fast as we could to escape but the next day we'd go right back to it. its frightening to this day though we don't play manhunt anymore but was someone watching us?
ReplyDelete-Alexis Perez
scariest moment ive had is seeing a bear only 20 feet away from me while i was walking through the woods.
ReplyDeleteThis happened long ago when i was about 12 years old. My father and I travelled oversees to a remote village in Africa for his research project. To make a long story short, we got into the jungle after treking on our foot for about 3hrs. The jungle was very creepy due to some strange sounds that came from the trees. We encountered different insects that stung us so bad that, our faces was swollen and also had a blood shot on our eyes. We thought death was inevitable but we managed to get out of there quickly. The excruciating pain always come to mind anytime I get a bump on face. To this day, I`ve never set foot in a jungle or a forest.
ReplyDelete-Andrew Owusu-Ansah
I'm not much of an outdoors person, so I try to avoid the woods. However, I do remember an experience from when I was eight years old. I was a girl scout, and one of my troop's activities was to do a grave rubbing, which is a drawing made by holding a piece of paper against a grave, so that it creates an outline of the epitaph. To get to the cemetery, we had to walk through the woods, which, to an eight year old, was a terrifying ordeal. I could not help but imagine that a ghost was going to pop out from behind a tree at any moment. To this day, the mere thought of walking in the woods frightens me.
ReplyDelete-Zoe DeBenedetto