@ 12:00 NOON EST
This week's homework assignment has four parts:
PART 1: Get to Know Bartleby
Read "Bartleby, the Scrivener," by Herman Melville (page 291 of our textbook)
You can also download an online version of the text at: http://www.enotes.com/bartleby-scrivener-text
You can also access an online hypertext with questions and comments to help you better understand the story: http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/webtexts/bartleby/
Here's a link to free audio book MP3 downloads of an audio version of the story:
Here's a link to a website with easy-to-digest information on the historical context of the story:
Here's a link to a website with a helpful plot summary:
Here's a link with insightful information about the characters:
Here's a link to an extensive, thorough study guide:
Here's a link to an extensive, thorough study guide:
PART 2: Write a First Response Paper
Use the following writing prompts: What was your impression of the lawyer? What was your impression of Bartleby? What kinds of emotions did Bartleby evoke in you? Who was most annoying -- the lawyer, or Bartleby? Why? Who did you sympathize with most -- the lawyer, or Bartleby? Why? What aspect of the work affected you most? Why?
Or free-write your own response.
Be sure to provide specific textual details and quotations from the story to justify and/or explain your response to the story. Remember, a first response is not a summary -- use 3-5 quotations from the story and discuss how the story affected you.
Guidelines for first response papers are at the following link: http://english102wcc02.blogspot.com/2010/03/cemetery-angel-wrapped-in-snow-taken.html
PART 3: Post a Comment
Post a comment at Bartleby's World of Walls: http://english102wcc02.blogspot.com/2010/03/bartlebys-world-of-walls.html
PART 4: Prepare for Quiz on March 11th
Prepare your self for a quiz next week on "Bartleby, The Scrivener." The quiz will cover the surface-level details of the story. In other words, you will be asked about the content of the story, not asked to analyze it. The quiz will have a value of 25 points.
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