Westchester Community College: Valhalla Campus
Professor Melinda Roberts
Thursdays: 6:00-8:40 PM

Friday, February 5, 2010

Looking for Love

Due Wednesday February 10, 2010
Please post by 10:00 PM EST

What is the most frustrating thing about dating? (Be sure to include your first name and first initial of your last name to the post.)


  1. OMG!!!...I hate when you are on a date with a guy and he doesnt say anything. You tring to get to know each other or just talk about life and the guy is just had one word answers. Its like pulling teeth!!!!..I hate it!!!..

  2. Solange M.
    i think the most frustrating thing about dating is when your dating a new person that you know nothing about. i say that because you really have no idea how things will turn out. if you and the person click that date will turn out good, if the person is boring the night will just drag and be awkward.

  3. The most frustrating thing about dating is rejection ?

    - Prithvi A.

  4. One of the most frustrating things about dating I'd have to say is testing the waters. Like they say, the first impression can make you or break you...its the most important. If the couple doesn't get along the first day or they lack communication, that's how they know the relationship won't last.

  5. The worst thing about dating is investing time with someone only to discover they haven't been completely honest about their past, like they say they're divorced, but they're really only separated, or they say they're "over" their ex and yet they talk about her incessantly and call her all kinds of derogatory names. The last guy I dated had been divorced for about three years and had his daughters and his grandson living with him. He had good relationship with his ex-wife because of the kids and grandkids, which I see as a positive. So we're dating a few weeks -- getting to know each other -- and one night at dinner he has "something" to tell me. Seems his ex-wife has a lot of emotional problems and hasn't been able to hold down a job, so he's let her move back into the family house -- but he doesn't want me to worry because her bedroom is in the basement and he only sees her when she comes up to the kitchen for meals. Groan!! Well, that didn't work for me . . . and that was the end of that!

  6. The worst thing about dating is the unknown. The person I'm dating doesn't know all the great qualities I have yet because it's the screening era. Whereas I know nothing about this lady, she seems nice enough, but what's really going on? Is this the real thing? What should I do here? How will she react? And on and on it goes. Hence my response that the worst thing about dating is the unknown...

  7. The most frustrating thing about dating is finding someone who actually wants a committed relationship. For teenage boys, the idea of a relationship is much less appealing than dating a number of different girls with no strings attached. This leaves me, a teenage girl, hard pressed to find a boy who can last in a relationship for longer than a week without losing interest. All of the girls I know would like nothing more than to find a nice guy to become serious with, whereas the guys I know try to "hook up" with as many different girls as possible. I'm just waiting for the day when these boys realize it's quality and not quantity that actually matters.

    -Zoe D.

  8. The most frustrating thing about dating is to start knowing a new person... Just because I have to see if they have the same interesting with me, and to find out that they if they want something serious or just playing around... I had a long relationship and after that i have to find the right guy or i prefer to be by myself...

    Melissa H...

  9. The most frustrating thing about dating is when you at the age where everyone around you is settling down and starting families because then you feel like you need to hurry up. Add to that the baggage your family gives you asking when your going to get married and such. It is hard enough to find the person you want to be with for the rest of your life.

    Michelle A.

  10. dating?? where do you even begin! the best way I describe dating is nerve racking, stressful, awkward moments and first impressions. But besides all of that, i guess dating can be fun..maybe? I think conversations on a date is probably the most frustrating thing of all. You try and break the ice with something interesting that will be easy to jump into other topics with but if he/she is not one for talking it can be like pulling teeth!


  11. The most frustrating thing about dating... For me it would have to be spending money. I am an old fashioned kind of guy when it comes to dating, so I always pick up the bill. Recently I moved out of mom and dads so "the rent" is a new concept for me. This school stuff also adds up when it come out of my pocket. Losing my job last month didn't help too much either. Becoming frugal is a manditory step in my life I must take now. I also need a new computer, new camera, new mac programs, and itching to get out of my lease for a 2010 accord.
    How did this blog about "dating frustrations" turn into my letter to Santa. The moral of the story is -Don't buy your partner jewlery/expensive gifts unless it's your wife/husband, save your money!

  12. Dating !! sounds so beautiful and romantic but I can say is one of the most painful experiences for almost everybody. The most frustating thing about dating is when you start to know the true reality of that person. On the first date everything is so perfect, you think that THIS IS IT !! you had finally found that person but the truth is that the first date dosen't really mean anything, what matters is how that person treats you after the first date and the things you start to find about that person such as her/his SECRETS, her true feelings about you , her/his BEHAVIOR when she/he is with and without you, etc.

  13. Oh my God, this topic reminds me of some sensitive things that i honestly can`t write on this post. Anyway, one of the most frustrating thing about a date is, when your date tells you to meet them at a set place and never show up. Also, if they don`t bother to call to inform you about any change of plans, that hurts and make you go "nuts".
    andrew O.A

  14. The most frustrating thing about dating is finding someone who is genuine. Someone who doesnt lie,nor cheat.

    ~Tashania W

  15. The most frustrating thing about dating is when you don't hear from the new person what you expect . You are like an open book about your life.

    Marie E

  16. The most frustrating thing about dating is finding someone as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. fortunately I have found a winner. -Robert Letizia

  17. umm the most frustrating thing about dating would be the date lies.

